Tag Archives: the early years

Daily Prompt: The Artist And The Archaeologist


When you were 10, what did you want to be when you grew up? What are you now? Are the two connected?


At that age all I wanted to be was an artist. The walls of my bedroom were covered with cartoons, Snoopy and Charlie Brown being my favorite. Construction paper and masking tape were my friends, along with pencil crayons and cardboard.

The other thing I wanted to be was an archaeologist digging for lost treasure, I thought it was the coolest thing ever. When I was around ten or twelve, I buried a small box of trinkets so I could have the fun of digging it up. This part of the quest I found rather boring, because I already knew where the treasure lay. I also buried a dead mouse, but never did find the bones, that was very disappointing.


I have been an artist my whole life, and have dabbled in many different mediums. I don’t make my living at it, but it will always be a passion in my life.

I didn’t become an archaeologist, but also remain interested in anything to do with this field of study. The very mention of the word Egyptology, and I’m still conjuring up treasure digs in my head.

For me, these two passions will always be connected, they have defined who I am; who knows, maybe one of these years I may be lucky enough to develop an ancient curse of my own, 🙂


Daily Prompt: Me And The Sausage


If a restaurant were to name something after you, what would it be? Describe it. (Bonus points if you give us a recipe!)

Photographers, artists, poets: show us DINNER.

My daily quest is developing a really good vegan sausage, one that makes you go, “mmm, that’s really good”. My baked tofu is like that, when I make a batch of it, I could eat the whole damn thing at once.

I realize I’m not answering the question of the day, but hey, I’m a food radical at heart, so I have nothing to lose here. This post is about food, so that’s close enough for me.

For those of you who are vegan you know what I’m talking about. What’s out there is not that great, and the brands that do taste “ok”, are so overpriced they stop a person from truly enjoying the experience. Yesterday while shopping I spied the brand I’ve been wanting to try, on sale, but it still worked out to $1.00 a sausage, and that’s just silly.

It prompted me to once more, try to come up with a recipe that will satisfy the taste buds and go easy on the coin purse.

I have the rest of this week before I start my new job, so I have time to putter and have fun.

If I think it’s something to crow about I will post the recipe, because I know I’m not the only one out there who would rather hug than eat the cow.



Top 10 Fun Things To Do While Camping


A couple of weekends ago we did the camping thing and loved it, we can’t wait to go back. It was the inspiration for this list, so it comes from the heart, lol.

Silly M

not sure what I’m on, but it seems to be working!

  1. It’s always fun to count the ants in your camp site, if they are making a circle around you, and have lit a match, it’s not a good sign.
  2. “Marshmallow stuffing” is a fun game. It involves shoving as many as possible into your mouth, until you can no longer hold them in. You should resemble a gopher on steroids if you are doing it right. Once you puke, you loose.
  3. Sitting in the dark, poking the fire, now who doesn’t love doing this? If you want added excitement, you can always try making smoke signals with the blanket that is most flammable. This will keep you extra alert and give you a chance to try out the fire-proof apron you bought for barbecuing.
  4. Counting spiders while you use the out-house. This is always a fun exercise, and will prompt you to pee faster than you thought possible.
  5. If you are staying for more than one day, wait until your neighbor’s check-out, then run over and take any left over fire wood. The campground will re-sell it , and it’s every girl for herself in the woods.
  6. Roasting potatoes in the fire is always a fun challenge, since there is no way of truly telling how hot the coals are. If you unwrap the spud and find delicious smelling dust, it’s too long.
  7. If you crave a cappuccino while camping, try the poor mans method. Heat the milk in a saucepan, take a short length of rubber tubing, stick one end into the milk and blow on the other. It will not produce foam, but the people watching you will be amazed, and you will be laughing inside so hard  milk will squirt out your nostrils.
  8. This is a good time to break out the clarinet and pretend you know how to play. People will offer you all sorts of things for free.
  9. While sitting around the fire in the dark, try to spot glowing eyes in the forest. If a pack of eyes moves towards you let the marshmallow burn and run like hell.
  10. My personal favorite; when you wake in the morning, count how many spider webs you find inside the tent. It will make you feel so much better knowing that they were running across your face while you slept.


Daily Prompt: Party Animals (?), No Thanks


After spending time with a group of people, do you feel energized and ready for anything or do you want to hide in the corner with a good book?

For me it will always depend on the type of group I’m with. If it’s an event I’m totally interested in, I’ll go home feeling energized and inspired. On the other hand, if it’s a group of people I have nothing in common with, it will be very draining to be around them, and I’ll defiantly feel like hiding when I leave.


This isn’t me, but it sure describes how I would feel.



Daily Prompt: Earworm Birthday


Write whatever you normally write about, and weave in a book quote, film quote, or song lyric that’s been sticking with you this week.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us INSPIRATION.

Last Sunday we traveled to Victoria for my mother in-laws birthday, she is 93 today. I took photos of the event and captured her family having fun, being grateful they have their mum for one more year. She is a true inspiration, and we love her for it.

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Ruth the movie star.

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Yeah cake!

We had a really nice time, a lot of laughing, the sun was shining, a great day.


Daily Prompt: Keep Out For Now


Who is the one person you hope isn’t reading your blog? Why?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us OUTSIDE.

There really isn’t anyone I don’t want to be here. I hope everyone comes here, lol. If I write in the blogosphere, its open season, that’s the way I look at it. If you really want to stay private, don’t own a computer.


When I walk Molly I sometimes snap random photos.

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This wall is in the parking lot of a community shelter, it makes quite the statement.


These are not exciting, but they did make me think. The window with the bars is someone’s home, I was at street level looking down. Not really the view most of us dream about when we are having our coffee Sunday morning.


Daily Prompt: Jack Of All Trades


If the world worked on a barter system, how would you fare? Would you have services to barter? Would you be successful, or would you struggle?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us SKILL.

The world on a barter system, hmm… people helping each other, what a concept.  I’d like to think I’d be ok, I’m fairly well-rounded when it comes to skills. This all really depends if our world would be the same as it is now. Do we still have modern conveniences, have we moved back one hundred years?

I don’t mind helping out, I like being part of a “team effort for the good of the whole”, sort of thing.

Why don’t we go one step farther, and say that the human race has realized consuming animal products is a thing of the past. The planet we live on can no longer support the millions of “animals”, we raise for food.

There would certainly be an opportunity to help people understand this new way of eating. I’m always trying new vegan foods, I love experimenting, so I would certainly have services to offer in this area.


I can plant a garden, even though my rows are crooked, I’ve never thought the carrots minded being extra close to the beets. If a riot in the veggie patch is the least of our worries, I think we’ll be ok.

Cake decorating, sewing, painting walls, I’m pretty sure I’d think of something to offer. Most of us are able to do more than we think. In this crazy modern world, it’s easy for “manual skills”, to be looked upon as non-essential. When it comes right down to it… I take comfort in knowing I’d be able to do more than “push a button”, waiting for the replicator to make my cheesecake.







Daily Prompt: A Mystery Girl


Tell us something most people probably don’t know about you.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us MYSTERIOUS.

I’ve had a keen interest in Egyptology since I was a little kid,  maybe it comes from watching one too many Abbott and Costello movies, lol. I loved the idea of treasure hunting and uncovering lost civilizations.


I’m also a big fan of Vincent Price. Many of his films were so cheesy, but we still love them. And yes, I loved watching them when I was a kid, obviously I had a varied childhood. 🙂


What’s not to love, Kermit the frog and the master of horror. The day Kermit lost his dad was the saddest day ever.

I love to garden, even though I can’t grow house plants worth a crap, lol.


Dead is dead, what can I say.

There we go, just a sample of the mystery girl!








Daily Prompt: Great or Greatest?


What makes a blog great? What makes you follow a blog or “Like” a post?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us GREATNESS.

I would say there has to be something that sparks my interest in the first three seconds. Is that being an impatient jerk? I’ve run across so many that I like, and those I keep reading over and over again. The blogging experience has been a mind opener for me, and I am richer for it.

I like blogs that talk about mother nature, or photos of her greatness. Travel blogs are also fun to go through. When they are well done they make me feel like I am riding along. Blogs that go beyond “skin deep” are intriguing, something completely random always gets my attention.

Reading about life on the farm, or recipes to go with it will always grab my attention, it’s in my blood and I love it!

Cats, what can I say. The world would be a much sadder placer without them. 🙂



Top 10 Foods To Never Take On A Picnic



Canada Day is around the corner, so it is appropriate to lend my wisdom regarding picnic food, and park etiquette.  Sounds simple, but you’ll be surprised how people screw this up. These are in no particular order, they are all equally bad.

  1. Soup is not picnic food. No matter what the magazines tell you, it does not look cool dribbling out the side of your mouth during the three-legged race.
  2. Peanut butter is a poor choice. Your mouth will be so gummed up, you can’t yell at the dog who just crapped near your blanket.
  3. Jell-O salad is a tricky choice. That really cool shape you left home with, may resemble something like a blown-out tire by the time lunch time rolls around.
  4. Sardines are never a good idea, especially gross if you are on a date. Leaning in for a kiss and getting the ass end of a fishing trawler is not romantic.
  5. Stay away from hard-boiled eggs in the shell. They can too easily be used as weapons of choice.
  6. Leave the ghetto blaster at home, on the porch, beside the empty 26er, no one is interested in hearing, “ Yo big mama beat the dog down..” you get the idea.
  7. Control small children; you will not be impressed when they run back to the blanket with brown stuff on their fingers, and even more grossed out when they pick their nose, after telling you they found chocolate bars on the ground.
  8. If you want to smoke pot, do it in the back woods. Most people frown upon the smell of burning cow shit, while they eat potato salad.
  9. In many cases it’s best to leave the pooch at home, unless they are restrained, listening to your every word, like the cat does, ha-ha, joking!
  10. No microwave ovens. Just because you found one that plugs into a battery doesn’t make it cool. You will look like an over-applianced idiot, and the laughing will be so loud people will call the police. When they get there, they will laugh.

Enjoy your day! :0)

Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable


This is an easy one for me, I am blessed to have the most amazing man in the world, with Molly and Beanie adoring me, so really, it doesn’t get any better than this.

molly and paul

Paul head 013

I have two other companions who are with me always, they sit on the small shelf above my head.

My dad is in the small brass urn and my buddy of eighteen years, Simon the cat in the larger one. As a family we choose to keep a small bit of dad with us, my mom has one, and all of us kids.


dad black and white33

simon close up

I am indeed, a lucky girl.

Daily Prompt: The Artist’s Eye


Is there a painting or sculpture you’re drawn to? What does it say to you? Describe the experience. (Or, if art doesn’t speak to you, tell us why. Photographers, artists, poets: show us ART.

This is one of my all time favorite pieces, it’s called ” Catastrophe”, by George Rammell.


This piece just screams togetherness in the most bizarre way. It was created in 1976, his first large sculptural project after graduating from art school.

What makes this even sweeter is that George Rammell is a BC artist, I had the good fortune to take a weekend, rock carving workshop with him back in the eighties.

His work continues to inspire and intrigue me.



Amazing Discovery’s From The Boob Tube


Television is polluted with so much trash, that we sometimes forget there is content on the box worth a second look.

The cable in our home was given the heave-ho quite some time ago. My husband and I both have computers, and of course there is Netflix, lol. I’m laughing because it is not the most up to date form of entertainment, but it is only $7.99… what can I say, we are cheap and like it this way.

Earlier this week I was cruising along, in my Netflix-potato mode, and thought I’d give ” Documentaries” another try. I’ve noticed one called Searching For Sugar Man, after all, how bad could it be? Silly pessimistic girl that I am on occasion. Little did I know that I would find an incredible story.

YouTube saved the day, because I found one of his albums…. for FREE…oops, maybe I’m not supposed to advertise that, ah well.

What an amazing human being, and the music goes without saying.

Daily Prompt: The Best Mode Of Travel


You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, or car? (Or something else entirely — bike? Hot air balloon?)

Photographers, artists, poets: show us TRAVEL.

I love traveling by car, because that means I can stop wherever and whenever  I want, and since I’m a bit of a control freak it works for me.  If I didn’t travel by car I wouldn’t have seen this fine work of art.

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Or I wouldn’t have been able to converse with time gone by.

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The freedom it gives me to go down small back roads and visit monster size animals just can’t be beat.

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Taking the train across the country some day would be awesome, but think I’d miss being able to do the stop and go thing. Who knows, maybe I’d be involved in a great mystery and that would make it all worth while.



Daily Prompt: Morality Play All In The Family


Where do your morals come from — your family? Your faith? Your philosophical worldview? How do you deal with those who don’t share them, or derive them from a different source?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us THE SOURCE.

I would have to say my source, is my mom and dad. Both of them came from strong families and they walked away with morals that helped make me who I am today.


This photo was taken in 1952, they were dating and not yet married. They would have been just discovering, values, morals and all that fun stuff that turns us into the people we are. They look happy and care-free, the weight of life not yet on their shoulders.

I try hard not to judge a book by its cover, as I do with people who have shaped their life from a different starting point, we are who we are.


Top 10 things Not To Do At The Movies


This ties in with my Daily Prompt for the day, it just seemed like the right thing to do.


10. If you are sick, don’t go to the show. The rest of us don’t need to hear you blowing your nose during a love scene.

9. If you walk into the theatre and see someone sitting in the top row, don’t sit next to them. They are there because they DON’T want to sit next to you, or anyone else.

8. When the theatre is crowded don’t pretend your friend is coming to take the seat next to you. Doing this makes you a selfish jerk and you should reserve that for when you go to vote.

7. Don’t wear perfume! If you want to smell like a cheap ho, save it for when you go to the bar.

6. Don’t sneak potato chips into the theatre. There is a reason they are not sold at the concession stand. “Man killed for eating chip in theatre” is not the legacy you want to leave your family. They would be too busy laughing to be distressed.

5. Don’t text during the show, save that for when you are walking through an intersection.

4. If you’ve come with someone else, don’t talk about the movie, WHILE YOU ARE WATCHING IT. If the rest of us wanted commentary we’d watch hockey.

3. Don’t sit on the seat that has a plastic bag over it. Someone has puked on it, and that bag is for your own safety. Better yet, sit far away from it, because as we all know, the smell travels.

2. If your pop is empty, don’t keep sucking on the straw. Save that action for another time and place.

1. And the mother of all time. STOP shaking your bag of popcorn! Honestly… what are you hoping to accomplish? The only thing you will likely get is dirty looks and a foot in the back of the head.

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Daily Prompt: Island of Misfit Posts


We all have something we’d like to write about, but that doesn’t really “fit” our blog. Write it anyway.

My blog is whatever I want it to be, I’ve not really set myself strict guidelines, and that’s the fun part. So this morning I’ll play along and be a movie critic.

Movie Review-Web Head

Hubby and I went to see the new superman movie last night, “Man Of Steel”, a good action flick if that’s what you’re into. I won’t make this a “spoiler alert”, because I think people who do that should be slapped in the head. Nothing more irritating than someone telling you about a new flick when they know you haven’t seen it.

Since I’m not a real movie critic it means I don’t have to follow the guidelines they would….he he.. my favorite part, it’s in my nature to be a shit disturber to some extent.

The casting director did a good job picking the actor to play superman, Henry Cavill, fits the bill in every way, including looking good in a spandex suit. Tall, handsome and suave… I could go on, you get the picture. Amy Adams is awesome, a talented girl who will be around Hollywood a long time.

The story is refreshingly different from the other versions we’ve seen, thank God. Special effects are good, which is what we have come to expect from tinsel town these days.  Russell Crowe plays superman’s father, a nice touch, with Kevin Costner playing his earthly version.

We’ve seen good and bad 3D, and opted out to pay extra to see the big guy, it’s not always necessary to fully enjoy the show, and especially irritating when it turns out to be a mediocre effect. The best we’ve seen in 3D was the movie Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. An arrow came flying at me and I moved my head to the side so it would stick in my eye…:0)

I of course, had to have an over-priced bag of popcorn, as usual. I’m somewhat of a piglet when it comes to the non-nutrient dense food particles.

It may have been more fitting for us to have seen a Wolfman  movie, the full moon last night ( and tonight ) will be the biggest of the year, but hey. We opted to watch a guy save people rather than have them for snack.

I don’t mind ranting about things from time to time, perhaps this is a new calling for me. :0)


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Anniversary Sweetheart


kiss again10

Today is our fifth anniversary, we have been together for seven, glorious years. It took both of us awhile to find the right person, but later is better than never.

We spend a lot of time smiling at each other, and the laughing goes without saying. He is my best friend and I his, it doesn’t get any better than this.

Both of us like to be hams on occasion. He once pretended to be Elvis playing a guitar, and I just so happened to have the video camera at the ready. I love spontaneous moments like this, and laugh each time I watch it.

He is the love of my life, and I cherish every day, even when he’s not serenading me.

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Mersi ME!

Daily Prompt: HaHaHa, Funny Old Guy


Tell us a joke! Knock-knock joke, long story with an unexpected punch line, great zinger — all jokes are welcome!

Well I guess I’m breaking the law again because this isn’t really a joke, but rather a funny episode from my childhood. I still think about it, and it still makes me smile, so that gives it some merit.

My grandfather used to spend a fair bit of time at our home, he farmed close by, so would stay with us from time to time. Over the years we would grow to appreciate his wicked sense of humor, ( all in good fun ), and his loud, booming voice.

Many moons ago, when my older brother and sister were toddlers, he figured he would pull off the mother lode of pranks.

I get this information from my mom, who still remembers it. I think my grandfather had a more zany sense of humor than her, perhaps I take after him. :0)

It was Easter morning, very early before my brother and sister awoke. Grandpa went to the root-cellar scrounging around until he found two potatoes which closely resembled the size of an egg. He melted chocolate and covered them, all the while giggling to himself.

Later in the morning when my siblings were awake, this funny old man offered the chocolate eggs to the excited little kids, and watched with great joy as they bit into the chocolate covered vegetables.


This story has gone down in our family history, I have many fond memories of this strong, old man. His humor and tenacity are things I still think about, and admire.

He loved a good joke, even if it involved tying our closes in knots so we couldn’t get dressed in the morning. :0)


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Daily Prompt: Moment Of Kindness With Mom


Describe a moment of kindness, between you and someone else — loved one or complete stranger.

This past spring, I drove back to the prairies to see my mom. She had taken a tumble, breaking her ankle, and ended up staying in the hospital for almost eight weeks. It was a two-day drive for me to get there, but was really important for me that I help out as much as I could.

When I arrived at the hospital mom was laying in her bed looking tired and bored. She sat up as I stood nearby, reaching her arms out, “Marilyn!”.

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The smile on her face made my heart soar, as I’m sure it did hers. We visited for a while, then she asked, “would you like to play cards?”


A chapter in mom’s book has come and gone, she is home now and doing quite nicely. I was  glad I could be there to help her over some of the bumps.


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