Tag Archives: westie

Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable


This is an easy one for me, I am blessed to have the most amazing man in the world, with Molly and Beanie adoring me, so really, it doesn’t get any better than this.

molly and paul

Paul head 013

I have two other companions who are with me always, they sit on the small shelf above my head.

My dad is in the small brass urn and my buddy of eighteen years, Simon the cat in the larger one. As a family we choose to keep a small bit of dad with us, my mom has one, and all of us kids.


dad black and white33

simon close up

I am indeed, a lucky girl.

Daily Prompt: We Can Be Taught! Really?


Tell us a moment or an incident that you treasure  – not necessarily because it brought you happiness, but because it taught you something about yourself.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us LEARNING.

Well I have to say the first moment that comes to mind is one from last night, and it is one that brought me happiness.

My husband and I have this inside joke about how both of us are terrible dancers. If we went to a night club people would be lining up to watch the comedians, and forget why they came in the first place. We’re rather uncoordinated, it’s not like we woke up yesterday and said, ” hey, I thought I used to know this”, lol…..no, no…. we’re bad and we know it.

Last night we were in the middle of a hug ,and it turned into us trying to dance, yet again. We were jiving in the kitchen, laughing hysterically because the first thing we did was step on each others feet, lol.

Grabbing a special moment doesn’t have to be planned, the best ones are spontaneous and full of good intention, sometimes making you laugh so hard your sides hurt. We vowed to keep dancing, but next time include Molly our little Westie. She stood looking at us like she didn’t know who we were, and Beanie the cat had a screwed up look on his face.

This is just so cute I had to pass it on.

Be yourself and have fun, and just remember, if the dog and cat laugh it doesn’t mean they don’t love you.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Curves


The weekly photo challenge is all about curves, here is my take on it.

I just spent the weekend camping with Paul and Molly, we had a great time overall. Very cool in the early morning’s and sunny after that. Looking over my photos I realized, hey, there’s a curve. :0) A little cheesy perhaps, but, fair is fair.


Our campsite was visited regularly by cute little chipmunks, very adept at stealing food and other choice items that were not nailed down.

red 1 kong 2

Molly loved being in the outdoors, even though we had to keep her tethered on a long rope the whole time, otherwise she would have been running after the little critters regularly.

And here I am relaxing by the fire with my faithful Westie and my bag of junk food.


Wonderful weekend, but I still didn’t get to see a sasquatch.

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Molly Monday: West Highland Terrier Gazette


Hi everyone, it’s me Molly.

My mom keeps telling me I am such a ham. I don’t really know what she’s talking about, but it might have something to do with food.

Feb 3rd 2013 068Feb 3rd 2013 071

“Ok, the hair looks dorky, but it makes my mom laugh!”

JAN 8 2012 021Paul head 016

JAN 8 2012 022     Paul head 013

Today, Beanie and I played hide and seek, he is always so obvious!

JAN 8 2012 005  JAN 8 2012 002

Later on we played ball, Beanie is lousy at throwing , so mom does it for him. I was so hungry after we finished playing, I got a homemade treat. They are so tasty. :0) My mom gets recipe ideas from here. http://www.thekitchn.com/cookies-for-canines-homemade-d-135078

JAN 8 2012 007

Have a great week everyone!

Molly Monday: West Highland Terrier Gazette


Hi everyone, it’s me Molly. jan 27 2013 028

Just chilling out this morning, wanting the rain to stop for a while. It’s so wet here I’m almost wishing my mom would buy me rubber boots to wear, then again I’m not sure I’d want to look silly like these guys.


I get bored on rainy days, so sometimes I play dress-up. This wig is pretty awesome, but I think I’d look better in pink.

Silly Molly Jan 27 2013 018

Beanie was laughing at me from his room in the cupboard, I wanted to lock him in, but mom said he would go nuts.

jan 27 2013 003

Have a great day, I will see you next week.

jan 27 2013 043

Molly Monday: West Highland Terrier Gazette


Hi everyone, it’s me Molly….020

This past week has been nice because my mom has spent every day with me, and I really love that.

My brother Beanie was a jerk a few days ago; he barfed on the carpet and dad stepped in it with his bare feet, and he said some weird sounding words. Stupid cat, he never listens to me. When he did it I told him he would get in trouble, but he kind of laughed at me; “you little sissy dog, I told him you did it”…grrrrr…. I was so mad when he said that, I could chew on his head.

He told me there was a treat in the litter box that tasted good, so I dug around in it for awhile. Mom said I was gross, but she still kissed me later, hahah…

I like to eat broccoli and peanut butter, sometimes they call me sausage dog.

Facts About Westies

They will enjoy doing anything with you, couch surfing, walking, running.

As long as they are with you, they will be happy.

Molly Monday: West Highland Terrier Gazette


Hi everyone, my name is Molly and I am four and a half years old. I live with my mom and dad, and a fat orange hairy thing.

I want to start your week off with something to make you smile, so I thought I would show you pictures of me and Beanie, and tell you funny things that we do, or just dumb stuff  my cat does.


I should start at the beginning so you can see what I looked like.


My mom brought me home when I was eight weeks old. They would say gushy things to me, and smile weird when I pooped on the carpet.

molly sweater 2

This stupid sweater was so small, my mom had to squeeze my head into it, but it made my dad laugh so I stayed in it for a while.

molly sleeping1

I used to sleep a lot, then I would wake up hungry, and want to chase the orange thing that ran fast.

bean feb3

My brother Beanie thinks he is good looking, and does dumb things when mom and dad aren’t home.

Jan 6 20133 003

That’s it for now, I hope you will come back next Monday……… see ya later.

Daily Prompt: My Favorite


A few years ago my daughter and I did a road trip to my mom’s farm in Saskatchewan, we were gone about ten days. When my son and daughter were little we used to go each summer, a great place for the kids to explore.

My husband and I have been together for about six and a half years, the second time for both of us. It took me a long time but I finally found my prince. Like they say, better late than never.

During our first year together, my son and I went home for my dad’s funeral, we were gone five days. When I returned, hubby gave me a rose for each day I was gone, that’s the type of guy he is.


Prince Paul and Molly…….here’s hoping everyone else has a partner, lover, best friend, as loving as I do, and a little dog as loyal and kind.

Have a great Sunday everyone!