Monthly Archives: January 2013

Happy Birthday Dad


This post is all about my dad, he would have been ninety years old today.


My dad was a farmer his whole life, and helped my mom raise five kids, the rest is history as they say. I think some of his happiest times, were when he was out in the field working the land, he loved that so much.

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As kids, I remember my mom saying he could have been a weather man, because he could look at the sky and tell what was going to happen.

When he was much younger he played the violin, I remember how wonderful the music sounded. He only stopped later in life when his hands became so arthritic, it became difficult to carry on.

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He even played in a band, they did weddings as well as other engagements.

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He married the most wonderful woman in the world, my mom.

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He looked so happy and proud, as did my mom. They had their whole life ahead of them.

My dad has been gone six and a half years now, he suffered from Alzheimer’s.

The night before he passed away, mom called me and said it wouldn’t be long before he went, he had stopped eating, and was sleeping all the time. The next morning I went to work, and was sitting in the parking lot having my coffee. I was very upset, and wondering if this would be the day.

As I sat, looking through the windshield, a small bird came to rest on the windshield wiper and looked at me. It sat for a moment, then flew away.

For many years my dad built bird houses, and had then all over the yard. He loved watching them live in one of his condos, as he used to call them.

Later that morning, about 10:30,I got a call from my sister, telling me that dad had  passed away earlier in the morning. I believe he came to say good by to me.

He was a quiet man, who didn’t hug as often as he wanted to, but always found a way to tell me I was loved.

I cherish the memories he left us with, and I think of him often.

Daily Prompt: Burnt- One More Time


Remember yesterday, when your home was on fire and you got to save five items? That means you left a lot of stuff behind. What are the things you wish you could have taken, but had to leave behind?


Here we go again. I was a step ahead of WP yesterday, so I’m going to take a hard left turn and make a list of things I wouldn’t take, even though I might be thinking about them as my hair is smoking.

  1. I wouldn’t take my camera, ( can’t believe I just said that ), I could buy another one with the insurance money.
  2. The giant bag of cookie cutters would have to fry, I have been collecting them for years, I think there is about 100.
  3. The messy book-case, with books, it would block my escape route down the stairwell.
  4. All of my clothes would stay. I’m pretty sure a fashionista would try to grab some choice pieces, but I don’t have to worry about that…. what a relief.

upset clip art

5. I wouldn’t have time to take my DVD collection, that will suck having to leave behind “The Great Pumpkin” and “Forrest Gump”.










6. My Granny’s old mixer would have to stay, I would hate having to leave it behind. Maybe I could find a way to stuff it into my go bag.  By this time I’m pretty sure it can no longer be considered a go bag, at this point it is more like a stop go, stop go bag, since it so heavy I am dragging it down the stairs.


And just for the record? I wouldn’t be wearing a dress.

Have a great day everyone, as you flee the day!

Daily Prompt: Burning Down the House


Your home is on fire. Grab five items (assume all people and animals are safe). What did you grab?


What a scary thought, makes me cringe thinking about it.

Only five items? Bummer, I guess that’s all a person can grab anyway, panic does weird things to most of us.

  1. The first thing would be a suitcase I keep in the bedroom, it is filled with photos of my kids when they were young. They are not on digital, so once they are gone that’s it.
  2. My “go bag” I keep in the closet. It has my passport and other essentials.
  3. My external hard drive, hopefully I won’t screw it up too bad when I yank the cords out.
  4. My purse, which has my phone and wallet. ID is such a pain in the butt to replace.
  5. The small rock that says “Home Sweet Home”, my husband gave it to me the first day we met.

My mind would be racing with thoughts of all the other things I wouldn’t have time to take. All my art work that I have done over the years, one of a kind pieces that are irreplaceable. Not being able to take any of that would break my heart.

I am very sentimental, leaving behind things like this would be gut wrenching. They would be gone forever, all this would be running through my mind as I’m grabbing those five items.

What I find interesting about this exercise is that it has forced me to look around and prioritize what I would, or should be taking. Also what is fascinating, is that I keep four of these items within arms reach of where I sit at my computer.

It’s almost like I am subconsciously prepping for disaster.

In reality, I would take these five items, but also throw in whatever else would fit into my go bag, because once it’s gone , it’s gone.

Daily Prompt: Through the Window


Go to the nearest window. Look out for a full minute. Write about what you saw.

What I see is so boring and static I will have to stretch this a little, so people don’t yawn while reading my post. The nearest window is the patio doors, we are on the second floor. My view is the side of the building next to us, BORING…..but….

On the patio Beanie is out for his morning stretch, he is running back and forth like a crazy person. Very entertaining really, especially at 5:30 am, when the woman below us is probably still sleeping. :0)

He races at cat speed of light, bouncing off anything in his path, stopping on the old couch long enough to dig his claws in, then off again….”I’m free, I’m free! His ears go back, a wild look in his eye, all this in a split second, then running again.

I love watching him like this, freedom in the cat world.


Now it’s time for a nap.

Valentine Treadmill – Do or Die



With Valentine’s Day approaching I thought I would give some insight into what women DON’T want, rather than the many lists on the web for what we do want. That is so boring, so ordinary, and that will not do coming from my corner of the cell.

Top 10  Gifts Women Don’t Want For Valentine’s Day

  1. A plunger does not count as a gift, even if it’s needed at the time. DON’T DO IT!
  2. No woman wants an appliance for the special day. Just because your clothes wash together, doesn’t mean she wants a new washer.
  3. Giving her a bead kit so she can make her own necklace is a bad idea, when you know she’s capable of making a tiny noose for the small head.
  4. Pots and pans are not a good idea either, especially when you know she hates to cook, try to remember the last time you felt like you had been poisoned.
  5. A card with a photo of a new iPad is just asking for trouble, when you sign the  card. p.s.- “just kidding, I love You”
  6. We don’t want a new set of tires for YOUR TRUCK. Just because the rims are shiny enough we can use them as mirrors, doesn’t mean we’ll use them.
  7. No woman wants to tell her girlfriends  she got a vacuum for the big day, even though she keeps saying the old one is a piece of crap, don’t get conned into thinking it would make a good gift.
  8. She does not want lingerie that is three sizes too small, if you are this stupid, and don’t know what size her boobs are maybe you should pay more attention next time you see her naked…. providing there is a next time.
  9. A gift basket from the local adult shop is lame, especially when the gift includes, Play Boy, a DVD called “Ride Girl Ride”, and anal beads. If you really want them, don’t be such a dick, and buy them YOURSELF!
  10. And, the most important hint of them all, don’t have your secretary sign the card for you, another woman’s hand writing is grounds for being hit over the head with that plunger.


Food for thought.

Daily Prompt: Ode to a Playground


A place from your past or childhood, one that you’re fond of, is destroyed. Write it a memorial.

I guess the first thing that comes to mind is the school I went to when I was a kid. It’s in the small town my mom still lives in. Back in the sixties, the school was fully functional, with a large gymnasium in the basement, and five or six classrooms.

This school was a big part of my life for many years, I find it very sad that is no longer a part of the community. I think about it quite often, and how important it used to be to the surrounding area.

Rehearsing for Christmas concerts, being excited about Halloween, or just having fun on the playground at recess.

The last year the school was open was 1998, it must have been very sad for the town to shut it down.


The school district made the decision to close the school, their reason being, there were not enough kids in the small town to make it worth while.  This must have been a very sad day for everyone.

When I go back to visit my mom I drive by the school, and wonder why people didn’t make the effort to take care of the building. The person who purchased it, used it for storage, and has let it become so run down it can no longer be repaired. Windows are broken, there is water in the classrooms, the roof is caving in.

I have no photos of the destruction, sometimes I wish I did, but I think I have done this on purpose because it makes me too sad, and it would be a reminder it has been destroyed.

One other photo I do have is a graduating class from a happier time, they had years ahead of them, and so did the school.


Have a great day everyone, and don’t forget to take care of the past.

Molly Monday: West Highland Terrier Gazette


Hi everyone, it’s me Molly. jan 27 2013 028

Just chilling out this morning, wanting the rain to stop for a while. It’s so wet here I’m almost wishing my mom would buy me rubber boots to wear, then again I’m not sure I’d want to look silly like these guys.


I get bored on rainy days, so sometimes I play dress-up. This wig is pretty awesome, but I think I’d look better in pink.

Silly Molly Jan 27 2013 018

Beanie was laughing at me from his room in the cupboard, I wanted to lock him in, but mom said he would go nuts.

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Have a great day, I will see you next week.

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Daily Prompt: Sliced Bread In Outerspace


Most of us have heard the saying, “That’s the best thing since sliced bread!” What do you think is actually the best thing since sliced bread?

How about the smell of bread while it is baking?

On a more global note, I would have to say the best thing since sliced bread is the ease of communication in today’s world. I mean, think about it. You can have a conversation with someone on the other side of the world, while looking at them, in most cases it takes seconds to connect.

A hundred years ago people would not even have dreamed about this being possible, yet here we are, it’s like techno magic.

We can send a letter to the other side of the world in a very short time, even though it will be costly, it can be done.

“I don’t think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space” Stephen Hawking

Now that, would be some phone call.


Have a great day everyone.

Daily Prompt: Musical Journey


What role does music play in your life?

Music is such a powerful tool, it evokes images, feelings, and emotions of all types. People listen  for many reasons; some to block out the world around them, others simply wish to be entertained by the melody.

Being a visual person allows me to  draw creative energy from listening to it, I have a wide range of tunes I enjoy.  My dad played the violin and my sister the piano, it gave me an early appreciation both instruments. When I listen, it inspires me to write, and I feel encouraged to work on my many art projects. Images flow through my mind and the story unfolds.

I am particularly fond of movie soundtracks, they help to draw out the emotions, and add substance to my work. “Schindler’s List” is one I listen to from time to time, the music is hauntingly beautiful, the story one of desperation and courage.


Or I may be working on something lighter, and listen to the music from “Up”



My choices are diverse, I’m full of surprises. :0) Have a great day everyone.

Daily Prompt: Dearly Departed -Laughing Out Loud


Write your own eulogy.

94,” told you I would make it”.


Daily Prompt: Ready, Set Go


Set a timer for ten minutes. Open a new post. Start the timer, and start writing. When the timer goes off, publish. 

Oh great, now I have to rush while I eat, have coffee and type, lol. This should be an interesting experiment. I am eating half an avocado, with crackers. Probably not a great choice, since the crumbs are sprinkling on my keyboard, oh well.

Today might be a good day to clean and organize the pantry, and we all know how talented I am at organizing. I will have the opportunity to see things that haven’t seen the light of day for who knows how long, what the hell, it might be fun.

Hmm, I like to write a post and leave people with something to ponder, and not just mindless dribble. I don’t type as fast as many people, my fingers fumble around the keyboard in an awkward fashion. Maybe this is why my teacher in grade ten always used to give me a funny look.





Daily Prompt: Shipwrecked – Cannibalism


Read the story of Richard Parker and Tom Dudley. Is what Dudley did defensible? What would you have done?


There is always going to be plenty of hot discussion when it comes to this subject, the strong, more able people will always find a way to survive. It’s really hard to judge someone for their actions until we ourselves are in a similar situation, but the human instinct to survive is a strong one.

I’d like to think that all of possess an inner boundary that we will not cross, in the event we are faced with a gruesome position, but honestly, how can we know for sure.

In nature, animals will fight to the death and even resort to cannibalism if it is the only way they can survive. In extreme cases, humans are no different. Our survival instinct kicks in and we do what we need to do.

This topic promotes an interesting debate, with different perspectives fanning the flames. What would I have done? I really don’t know, I hope I never have to make the choice.

Daily Prompt: I Got Skills – Piano Girl


If you could choose to be a master (or mistress) of any skill in the world, which skill would you pick?

I would love to be able to play the piano, and let the tunes carry me away to another time or place. My oldest sister played when we were kids, I remember thinking how cool it was she had mastered the skill.

Some day I will own a piano, and perhaps take lessons. Even if hubby and our four-legged kids need to wear ear plugs, I will still enjoy making music.


Me, the piano, and the sun shining through the window, now that would be perfect.

Have a great day everyone. 🙂

Writing Challenge: the Devil is in the Details

Writing Challenge: the Devil is in the Details

Your challenge this week is to practice your powers of observation. Take any person, place, or event, and write three paragraphs describing your subject in great detail.

The powers of observation, isn’t this what spies are supposed to be good at?

Nothing quite so dramatic going on here, but I do have occasional thoughts of wearing an invisibility cloak, and seeing what mischief I can get into.

If you were to peek into my world and catch a glimpse of me writing, you would likely think it is a messy and chaotic scene, with a bit of whimsy thrown in for good measure.

I have always been the type of person who enjoys being surrounded by mementos, and odd ball items that take me back to a different moment in time. Everything I see gives me energy; I see snippets of information, and pictures of moments gone by. For me, it is like my mind is the main frame that never shuts down, so it’s always a challenge to filter out what I want to write about.

me puter 2 002At times I seem to be easily distracted, perhaps it’s my own undoing, given my random surroundings, but it is me. To my right on the desk is a photo of Prince Paul and I on our wedding day, it is a constant reminder that I am loved for who I am.

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To my left is my friend Charlie Brown, a jar with random crap, including an old railroad spike. I told you I was random, and the rock that says Home Sweet Home, which hubby gave to me on our first date. I remember watching Chuck Brown as a kid, and fell in love with him. My childhood was a good one, I like thinking about it.

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The desk I sit at is quite large, the shelf above my head also has a collection going on, including the old Sunbeam mixer my favorite granny used. I look up at it and think about her, and the things she used to make. I wish I could go back in time and watch her. She was a tiny woman who loved her grand kids.

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Molly was quite the character.

The old mixer still runs, but has seen better days.

The old mixer still runs, but has seen better days.








My desk sits in the dining room, we live in a two bedroom condo, so space is limited. To the far left I look at the book-case. Home organizers would have a heart attack trying to help me out. :0)

writing challenge 006Behind me is the kitchen, I can hear the refrigerator humming and making way too much noise, but the distraction it makes is still no match for the chocolate cookies I made this afternoon. They keep calling to me, and I’ve had way too many. Dark chocolate, gluten-free, very, very tasty. If you’d like the recipe let me know.

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Well, I guess I cheated because I added photos, and did more than three paragraphs. Maybe I’m just not cut out for the espionage thing.

Daily Prompt: Sweet Sixteen


When you were 16, what did you think your life would look like? Does it look like that? Is that a good thing?


Not sure I want to go back to that time era, it was one of such mystery and intrigue. Being a teenager in the 70’s was like watching a really bad theatre production. Tacky costumes, with the actors swaying back and forth.


With the emphasis on swaying back and forth.

To be honest, I don’t think I thought too far ahead at that age. I know that sounds a bit blonde, and that also disappeared a long time ago, but really, I don’t remember thinking about that or planning ahead.

I have been doing various forms of art my whole life, so I imagine my thoughts were about being an artist, and just doing my thing.

The way my life is now? Yes it’s a good thing, I’m headed down a new path of discovery, and I have a family that loves and supports me. I’d say that’s a very good thing.


Peace baby, and have a great day. :0)

Molly Monday: West Highland Terrier Gazette


Hi everyone it’s me Molly.

I was having fun this morning until mom caught me.

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I am so embarrassed, she said I have to wear this sign to show people how gross I am.

Beanie laughed at me, so when mom wasn’t looking I had fun playing with his ears.


He’s such a dork, he slept through the whole thing.

Daily Prompt: Breaking The Law


Think about the last time you broke a rule (a big one, not just ripping the tags off your pillows). Were you burned, or did things turn out for the best?

Well, this is really opening up a can of worms isn’t it.

Many of us do little things here and there without realizing we’re loosing karma points, but the big stuff, now that’s something else.

There have been moments in my life where I did not make the smartest decision, this laced with the “I can do anything attitude and it doesn’t matter” sort of thing.

When I was sixteen I used to chum around with my sister and one of her friends. I was the only one with a drivers licence, so it became apparent I would be the chauffeur on our outings.

One evening we had the bright idea it would be fun to have the highway sign that had our towns name on it. It should be easy, just wiggle it loose and throw it in the back of the van. My sister’s friend came up with the idea, she was wild and crazy, and I thought participating would be a rush.

I stopped the vehicle as close to the sign as possible, all the while we are looking around for someone else coming down the road, or wondering if the neighbors would see us.

We began to push on the sign, back and forth, trying to lift it, until we realized it was buried in the ground about six feet! Panic set in, this was not going to be a quick job, we were so afraid someone was going to see us.

After what seemed like an eternity, the sign came out and we shoved it in the back of the van, then the back door wouldn’t close because it was too long, good grief.

We sped away in a frenzy, not knowing what we would do with it, now that we had it. Stupid teenagers, what can I say. The size of the sign made it impossible to keep, so we left it by the side of the road so someone would find it.

I still think about this and wonder… really?

Unless of course I am speeding to the thrift store for half price day!


Have a great day everyone.

Cat Lunch


Nothing like relaxing on a Saturday afternoon, time for a person to reflect on the finer things in life.

Beanie was anxious to have his lunch, so I opened a can of calorie control, feline delight. It would have been a really good idea if I had been paying attention, the cans with the pop tops like this one ,can be a bit tricky at times.

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While pulling the tab I managed to spray my face with juice from the tin, and a few clumpy bits just for fun. So gross….I should have grabbed him and used his tail to wipe away the damage.

He stood there looking at me with a smug look on his face, as if to say,”hahahaheee”, you get the idea, He’s such a jerk.

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After taking time to calm down, I made us both a cup of coffee. I was enjoying mine, but Beanie not so much, I forgot to put extra cream in his…haha, gotcha!

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Funny how we can be satisfied with the smallest conquests.

Have a great evening everyone.

Daily Prompt: Apply Yourself


I have been teaching myself to build a web site, and have a better understanding of marketing techniques. It is an on going challenge that I am really liking, but I find it mentally exhausting.

Being an artist who does so many different things makes it a greater challenge, but it is an interesting journey!

My brain feels like a ping-pong ball some days, it wants to do a dozen things at once, so my greatest challenge is trying to stay focused with the task at hand.

I find that eating really good, dark chocolate helps, it makes me go, mmmmmm, calms me down so I sit in the chair longer… really… :0)


Have a great Saturday!