Monthly Archives: February 2013

Daily Prompt: First Light


Remember when you wrote down the first thought you had this morning? Great. Now write a post about it.

Food is always the first thing that pops into my head, because I’m starving hungry by the time I wake up. I’m usually awake by about 4:30ish, gross I know. If I stay in bed I get a headache, so I roll out and stumble to the kitchen. Molly and Beanie are always tagging along, thinking they are first in line at the feed trough, and of course they are.

While munching on my oatmeal I’m thinking about gardening. We live in a condo so our options are a bit limited. Window space is at a premium, so I’ve been thinking outside the box and hashing over ideas. Time to scrounge through the thrift store and look for alternative plant containers.

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Most of these are outside ideas, but they are worth a second look!

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Time For Celebration



A big thank you to those of you who have taken the time to cruise through my blog and follow along, I really appreciate it.

I love cats and silly humor, I hope this gives you a chuckle. :0)

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Mersi ME!

Daily Prompt: Seconds! Of Chocolate


Describe the most satisfying meal you’ve ever eaten, in glorious detail. 


Do birthday cakes count? Hubby had his last Saturday and I made the most delicious chocolate cake. Not just any ordinary cake, but a chocolate mayonnaise cake. Have I said the word cake enough? :0) If you are a chocolate fan and have not tried the mayonnaise version, you really must.

Use really good quality, extra dark cocoa, and an extra splash of pure vanilla. When I finished mixing the batter, and filled the pans, I didn’t want to take the time to scrape off the beaters, and of course I couldn’t waste it.

One finger lick…two finger licks….and on it went. I limit the amount of sugar I intake, it’s just something I do, so don’t normally lick beaters and bowls. The batter looked so tasty, and smelled so good I couldn’t help myself. By the time I had finished the two beaters and large white bowl I think my eyes were closed, because it was oh so satisfying. The batter swirled inside my mouth and slid down my throat…hmm…lol

I really don’t remember the last time I had a cake that tasted so good, and of course the icing was sensational as well.

We had gone out for a nice dinner, then had rushed home so we could have birthday cake, because we both knew how incredible it would be. What can I say, it was an amazing meal, because we all know that chocolate really is in a food group all on its own.

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Mersi ME!

Daily Prompt: Undo A Soft Brain


If you could un-invent something, what would it be? Discuss why, potential repercussions, or a possible alternative.

Reality shows on TV

As a whole, I think human beings have become lazy when it comes to watching TV, they do want to think, or wondering about things. Their brains have become content with mediocre content, and images that convey, greed, over indulgence, and depression, oh, and lets also not forget stupidity.

It’s like people have forgotten why they have a brain, and are too lazy to use it. The godfathers in TV land are producing more and more shows each year that drain our brains of the right to think. Television has the power to teach us, motivate us, and yes, entertain us. I’m not sure what entertainment has to do with watching people sift through fifty years of junk, or following along with a wealthy heiress as she buys toilet paper, sort of thing. Or watching struggling individuals, throw their life down the toilet as they overdose, yet again. That’s entertainment? Really?

We axed our cable some times ago, for this very reason. There is just not enough content worth watching for us fatten the pockets of large corporations.

Possible repercussions?



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Mersi ME!

Daily Prompt: Far From Normal- Far, Far Away


Many of us think of our lives as boringly normal, while others live the high life. Take a step back, and take a look at your life as an outsider might. Now, tell us at least six unique, exciting, or just plain odd things about yourself.

Now this is more like it, getting down to the nitty-gritty of what makes us tick.

Over the years I have become quite good at laughing at myself. Not just a little chuckle now and then, but all out belly laughter. Not sure what belly laughing is? It’s when you laugh so hard, the tears roll down your face and the maschera staining your checks makes it look like you pulled an all-nighter at the Bad-Girl Bar And Grill

I started blogging about a month and a half ago, and have posted odd things about myself from time to time. It shouldn’t be too hard for me to reach into the archive and pull out six.. or more.

The older I get, the more of a ham I become in front of the camera. I have bags under my eyes, wrinkles deep enough to have putty on stand-by, and some mornings when I look in the mirror I say… “hmm.. so, it’s bride of Frankenstein is it?” so, there really isn’t anything I have to hide.

laughing  12

nut jobIMG_0292

Ok, that gets us started, :0)

I haven’t thought of my life as “normal’, for a very long time. Being like everyone else scares the hell out of me.

  • I’d like to visit a real haunted house some day, my kids would probably come along, or at least my daughter. She and I are really into that. We both figure we’d pee our pants but it would be worth it, lol this is defiantly the place I’d like to go.
  • I’m a huge Halloween buff. One year when my kids were little, I grew, and carved seventeen pumpkins.
  • When I wear socks, I rarely wear ones that match. I can’t be bothered putting them together in pairs when I do laundry. The organizing gals on YouTube would have their hands full with me.
  • I love popcorn, a movie isn’t a movie without it.
  • I’ve already mentioned a couple of times I drink coffee in the shower, I also eat toast, apples…or anything else.
  • I adore shopping in thrift stores, it makes me feel like I’m walking into a treasure trove!

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    This is one of the coolest things I’ve found. A tiny covered wagon, the wheels move, and other parts as well. It’s a lamp!

  • When I was a kid, maybe eleven or twelve, I baked my older sister a seven layer cake. Have no idea why, it just seemed like a cool thing to do.
  • I tend to be very sentimental, I keep very scrap of art work my kids have ever made, and my mom keeps everything I made. Weird how that goes. Ok, to be honest, I’m a pack-rat. So far today I haven’t tripped over anything, lol

I suppose that’s enough… for now.


About A Friendship


For My Friend Shirley

I have never been the type of person to use the word friend to the extreme. We’ve all known people like that; they invite you over for a small party, saying, ” We’re only inviting a few friends, come on, it’ll be fun.”  When we get there the room is full to capacity, and there are about fifty swaggering people wandering around. Friends…really? I guess some people like that but it’s just not my style. All of this is going somewhere, so be patient, :0), there is always purpose to my writing.

Today when I was running errands I ran into one of my dearest friends. Years ago when  I started working at the store, we met by chance and just seemed to meld together. She would always take the time to say hi each time she shopped, and I would always break the rules and yak a little too long.

Over the years she has listened to when I’m happy and given me a shoulder to lean on when I’m upset. Above all she has always been there for me, and each time we run into each other it’s like no time has passed at all. We laugh and hug, and take time to catch up on each others life, whatever direction it may have taken. She tells me she is proud of me for finally quitting, and is amazed at what a talented person I am.

I love her to bits, this friend of mine. We don’t see much of each other these days. I quite working at the store, and Shirley just doesn’t feel the need to shop as much. On the days when I see her, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, like the clouds have parted and the sun is shinning through just for me. I asked her today how old she is, and with a smile she said, “I’m seventy-eight”, my mouth dropped open in surprise. “Holly shit” I replied, We laughed. She honestly doesn’t look a day over seventy, as I told her so.

We talked and laughed, said goodbye, then started talking and laughing all over again.

Those of you reading this may not know her, but my wish for you, is to have someone in your life who makes you feel like this. I ran across this video, and it just spoke to me. It’s not necessarily about friendship, but it’s about older women and how unique they are, no matter where in the world they may be.

Daily Prompt: The Clock


Write about anything you’d like. Somewhere in your post, use the sentence, “I heard the card door slam, and immediately looked at the clock.”




true story

When I was still quite young, I learned the importance of always being on time. My mother was like this, so I suspect that’s where I get it from. This can be good and bad, because those of us who are punctual get rather annoyed at the people who think it’s no big deal.

My first date happened when I was about thirteen, my exact memory is rather foggy, I was a teenager with hormones running like a steam engine. One of the boys who rode the school bus with me asked me out one day, and rather abruptly I might add. “Do you want to go to a show one night?” He was a few years older than me, and at that age it seemed like a big deal. He was in high school! Whoa….

He was kind of a weird guy, but of course I agreed, being awkwardly shy at that age I really didn’t know what else to say. “Sure, ok.” Wow, intelligent response. Saturday night rolled around, I had been ready for hours. I kept pacing up and down the hallway, trying to look natural. My mother must have been a nervous wreck. I casually walked into the kitchen and looked out the window, for the tenth time.  I sat down at the table, and flipped through a magazine…tick tock, tick tock. I heard the card door slam, and immediately looked at the clock. 

He was quite late, and the date turned out to be a disaster. When we got to the movie theatre, we rushed walking to the door. He didn’t want to hold my hand so tugged on my arm to hurry me along, even though he was the one who was late, lol. What a doorknob; needless to say there wasn’t a followup evening out.


The Liebster Award- More Wonderful People



This past week I was nominated not once, but twice for the Liebster Award. Two wonderful gals were thoughtful enough to throw my blog out to the universe :0)

Today I want to thank Lissa at thelissachronicles, defiantly a blog worth reading. Check out her bucket list, she’s going to be busy!

The rules for the Liebster Award; Thank the person who nominated you, put a link to their blog in your post. Answer the 11 questions they have given you, list 11 random facts about yourself, and create 11 questions for your nominees. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less, who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been chosen. With all the talented people out there, it should be easy. 🙂 Paste the Liebster logo on your page, for others to admire.

11 Random Facts About Me:

  • Sometimes I eat toast in the shower..rather quickly, lol
  • The book IT, by Stephen King scared the crap out of me…loved it.
  • Sometimes I watch movies on my iPhone, under the covers, like I’m camping. 🙂
  • When I was a kid, I dug up a dead skunk, just to see what it looked like, yes really.
  • I have watched Nightmare Before Christmas more times than I can say.
  • Mitch Albom is my favorite author.
  • My favorite car is a hearse. I’d love to have an old one completely restored.
  • I love collecting rocks, shapes, colors, anything that catches my fancy.
  • Vincent Price is my all time favorite actor.
  • I love horror movies, as long as they are not really gory.
  • I love indoor plants, even though they seem to hate me, and most die.

My Questions To Answer:

  • Why do you blog? I love being able to have a voice, and show people who I really am. It’s such an incredible platform, from which I can reach millions of people. It’s a really great feeling.
  • What do you do for fun? I have always been a random artist, meaning I do multiple art forms. I have done rock carving, painting, drawing, photography, and on it goes. I love watching movies, and looking through old photographs.
  • Who is your favorite person and why? Hmm…this is a tough one because I have a list. But I will approach it from this angle: My favorite people are my husband and my kids. My favorite other person is David Suzuki, because he is one of the loudest voices the environment has.
  • What is your favorite book and why? have a little faith, by Mitch Albom. If you are struggling with trying to understand the human spirit, read this book. It is a wonderful reminder what the human spirit is capable of.
  • What makes you laugh? Watching silly cat videos on YouTube. Or playing tag with Molly ( our little Westie) and Beanie (the orange cat).
  • What makes you cry or sad?  When someone I love is in pain of some sort, that makes me crazy. Watching a tear jerker movie will get the tears flowing as well.
  • What is your favorite television show? We gave up our cable quite some time ago, we watched so few channels it wasn’t worth keeping. But if I did have to choose, it would have been Fringe, even though the series is now over.
  • What’s your favorite post on your own blog? Hmm, I have a few, but today I will choose, Midnight Madness, it is just silly and I had a lot of fun writing it.
  • What is your favorite season? Summer, that was an easy one.
  • What is your favorite food? Oh boy… does chocolate cake count?
  • Where do you write? I don’t have a laptop, so that means I’m at my desk each day, otherwise I’m sure I’d be doing it everywhere!
  • My 11 nominees are:
  • argylesock at Silence On The Land.
  • Christine Lee at Swim In The Adult Pool
  • Daphnée at An Evil Nymph’s Blog  
  • Puddin at Puddintopia
  • Sharon Keeling Davis at S. D. Keeling
  • Amanda at Amanda’s Wonderland
  • The dreamer at To Breath is to Write
  • The talented Eldin Smille
  • The slightly eccentric blogger at poppytump
  •  Rachael at Street of Dreams
  • The nature lover at The Naturephile

11 Questions for the nominees:

  • What musical instrument would you like to play, and why?
  • Do you believe in ghosts ?
  • If you had a chance to travel to Mars, would you?
  • What is your favorite book, and why?
  • What is your favorite gift someone has given you?
  • Who is your favorite actor, and why?
  • When are you the happiest?
  • What is your favorite zoo animal?
  • Have you ever met a world-famous person, if so, did you talk to him/her?
  • How many books do you think you read a year?
  • Who is your favorite author?

Liebster Award- The World Is Amazing


What a wonderful surprise, I’ve been nominated by Catherine Lumb for the Liebster Award. As a new blogger I marvel at the talent I am lucky to run across, and the willingness for people in the community to help each other out. This is like having an extended family who have advice on everything! How could it get any better. :0)


Lets see now, I’ll try to get this right. 🙂 The rules for the Liebster are;  thank the person who nominated you, list 11 random facts about yourself, answer 11 question they have asked you, nominate 11 other people, and ask them 11 questions in return. According to the Liebster  guidelines the award should be sent to bloggers with less than 200 followers, how cool is this!

11 Random Facts About Me:

  1. I drink coffee in the shower.
  2. I love genealogy, and have traced my great, great, great-grandfather back to the 1700’s.
  3. Sometimes I watch movies on my iPhone, under the covers, like I’m camping. 🙂
  4. I’m pretty sure I’ll still be flipping people the bird, on occasion, when I’m 94.
  5. I think Halloween is the greatest holiday of all time.
  6. I’d like to drive in a crash-up derby some day.
  7. Some day I will ride a camel and an elephant, not necessarily on the same day.
  8. I love Egyptology, and archeology in general.
  9. I like cake decorating.
  10. I love horror movies, as long as they are not really gory.
  11. Charlie Brown is my favorite cartoon character.

My answers to the 11. questions:

1. What’s your most significant childhood memory? Having the freedom to wander around the farm where I grew up. Even now, I love walking down a road I’ve never been, or climbing a hill to see what is on the other side.
2. What is the one thing you want to do most before you die?
Live on a farm again, like I did as a child. I’d like to have a miniature goat, and a pig. The kind that stay small and don’t grow into large porkers. I’d also like to have chickens, and maybe a miniature horse, if I win the lottery, :0)
3. Do you have a favourite magazine? 
I don’t read a lot of magazines, they are just too costly to buy. If I had to choose one, it would be National Geographic. As a child we always had it in the house. I have a couple of copies from 1959, when I was born, but I don’t have one for the month of March, my birthday. I’d like to find that some day.

4. What do you think is the best thing about having children? Watching them shape their own lives.
5. What’s the worst thing about having children?  Watching them fall flat on their face.
6. What do you do in order to relax? I love to bake, so sometimes I do that, or I might work in my art room, on whatever is grabbing me that day. I have so many interests, it’s really hard to say. If I’m feeling really brain-dead, I might just watch a movie.
7. Is there someone you really hate – and why? There is no one I hate, but there are a few people who are not on my Christmas list, lol. Some people are so negative, I just can’t stand being around individuals like that. It drains my energy, so I work at surrounding myself with positive people.
8. If you could live anywhere else, where would this be?
Assuming I already have #2, I’d choose a small house near the ocean, so I could go beach combing each day.
9. Is there a particular job that you wish you could excel at? Job? not really, but I do wish I knew how tp play the piano really well.
10. Are you a cat or dog person? I am most defiantly a cat person, but I love our little Westie to bits!
11. How would you define love? Always feeling wanted.

Questions for my nominees:

  1. Do you believe in the paranormal?
  2. Is there a favorite teacher from your childhood who you still think about?
  3. If you had the power to do anything in the world, what would it be?
  4. What is the funniest date you ever had?
  5. What is your favorite book?
  6. If you could fly to any city in the world, where would it be?
  7. Do you sing in the shower?
  8. Have you ever walked in your sleep?
  9. What is your favorite movie, and why?
  10. Do you play a musical instrument, if not, which one would you like to learn?
  11. What was your very first job?

My Nominees are:


Daily Prompt: Cupid’s Arrow


It’s Valentine’s Day, so write an ode to someone or something you love. Bonus points for poetry!

I have been preoccupied the past few days, my mom cracked her ankle and needs surgery. She lives far away from me, which makes me feel even worse. My mind has  not been focused on my posts,  I missed yesterday altogether…. but today is Valentines day and I want to give a shout out to my one and only.

My poetry skills are very rusty, so instead I will just tell you what he means to me.

Each time I look over my shoulder, there you are, with a reassuring smile that says I love you. It warms my heart and soul like nothing else ever has. We talk and laugh, and sometimes cry, but we are always together holding each others hand.

When I was a child, I remember asking the universe for the perfect man, a man as wonderful, kind and loyal as my dad was to my mom. I remember saying the words, not really understanding at the time, what movement I put in motion.

Years flew by, life unfolded this way and that, not always to my liking, but that is the way it goes. I began to wonder if I would find this man in my dreams, but I never lost hope. Always in the back of my mind there you were… just waiting.

One day, the universe said, ” they have learned enough, it’s time”.


This wonderful man, who peeks at me out of the corner of his eye, always saying, “I love you”.

Today is my day to shout out to the world…..”eat your hearts out girls, he’s taken” :0)

Daily Prompt: All About Me


Explain why you chose your blog’s title and what it means to you.

This is an easy one for me, my blog represents who I am, or at least I hope it does. I’ve been here less than two months, so I’m still honing my skills.

My mind jumps around like a ping-pong ball, I have so many different art forms I love to do. With me going in so many different directions, I thought Mindful Splatter was a fitting choice. 

I can be very random, and I love that about myself.

There are days I’d like to put on dark shades so people don’t know me, and other days when I feel good about putting  a melon on my head, and say “what the hell”



Daily Prompt: Whoa!


What’s the most surreal experience you’ve ever had?

Wow, I really have to pick just one? For anyone who has read my about page, you’ll know that I am a keen believer in reincarnation.

Many years ago I met a woman in the store I used to work in. She was shopping down the aisle where we merchandise glass vases, things like that. As I walked by she looked up, our eyes met, and we began to chat. I had never seen, or met her before, yet it was as if she was my long-lost friend, sister, or…. amazing really.

A few times a year we still bump into each other, and when we do, it’s like we have seen each other only yesterday. We seem to pick up where we left off, like no time has lapsed. It’s very weird. On our last meeting, late last summer I think, we stood in the store and talked for almost an hour, marveling at how surreal it is that we have this connection. 

We hug and laugh, and talk about the day we met, and about the glass flower she bought. I keep telling her how ugly it is,  :0) , and she tells me she will always keep it, because it reminds her of the day we met. She touches my very soul, and I hers, yet we have never been to each others home. It’s very strange, this connection we have, a wonderful one neither of us would  want to lose.

There are different kinds of friendship, it has taken me many years to fully understand this. Both of us value these chance meetings we have; we hug, look into each others eyes, and know that things are right.


Daily Prompt: Teachable Moment : With Chocolate


You have to learn a new skill. Do you prefer to read about it, watch someone else do it, hear someone describe it, or try it yourself?


Read it, watch it, do it, this seems to work best for me. I am a very visual person, so just strictly reading about how to do something would be a real challenge for me.

When I was a kid, I used to watch craft shows on TV, and absorbed many great ideas from there. As an adult, I have learned to combine different methods and it works great.

A couple of years ago I thought it would be cool to knit socks, but was a bit intimidated by the complexity of it. The idea stayed with me, and I became somewhat obsessed with learning the process. I have been a knitter for years, but had never tackled socks.

I picked up a knitting booklet, read the instructions about a hundred times, parts of it still didn’t make sense to me. Then I discovered YouTube tutorials, and everything became clear. I combined the two teaching methods and miracles happened, I completed my first sock.

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Like magic I had learned to do the impossible; a little dramatic? perhaps. It drives me nuts when I want to do something and can’t figure out how to do it, so I found a way, and forged my path to the ranks of sock knitter.

I’m posting the tutorial I watched, this lady was amazing, it was so easy watching her.


Learning something new can be fun and challenging at the same time, if you get stressed out, just have a piece of chocolate!

Daily Prompt: Childhood Revisited- Happiness Is The Present


Sure, you turned out pretty good, but is there anything you wish had been different about your childhood? If you have kids, is there anything you wish were different for them.

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Judging from these photos I’d have to say no, I wouldn’t have changed a thing, because if I had, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I really like me.


Daily Prompt:Karma Chameleon


Reincarnation: do you believe in it?

Of course I do.

If you take the time and do the research, leaving your mind  open, you may run across all sorts of wonderful things.

About eight years ago I started reading books by Dr. Brian Weiss, Michael Newton, and soon realized, yes it is real. Amazing.

The really great thing about being human? We have the right to believe in whatever gives us faith, and that can’t be a bad thing.

Daily Prompt: Right to Health- Canadian Style


Is access to medical care something that governments should provide, or is it better left to the private sector? Are there drawbacks to your choice?


This reminds me of the Canadian Health Care System, they will always help us, but we may die waiting for it to happen.

Many people come to Canada to take advantage of the health care system. If you need emergency care you get it, if you need surgery you get it. What they may not know is how long people are waiting, and how costly it is.

Extended medical service are not covered by the Government; prescriptions, chiropractic care, etc, unless you are lucky enough to have the expenses covered by your employer. Many Canadians do not.

The average family of four will pay over $11,000.00/year, for medical coverage. That’s a good chunk of change. We wouldn’t mind so much, if the funds were used wisely. From over paid executives, to not sorting garbage, yes really.

We pay a great deal of taxes in this country, so yes, I think the government should pay for our health care, but I also think it should be run in a more efficient manner. Leaving our health care to the private sector sounds appealing in some ways, but the bottom line is, most of us wouldn’t be able to afford it.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. No country is perfect in the way they handle the medical needs of the people, but I’m still glad I live here.


Daily Prompt: Choose Your Adventure



Write a story or post with an open ending, and let your readers invent the conclusion

Dark, rich, smooth, chocolate. Her instructions were to get the best. Which one she chose, would be the deciding factor in whether she got the job.


Those of us who love chocolate, know there are multiple ways to really enjoy it. What job do you think she is applying for?

Weekly Writing Challenge: Mind the Gap


How do you prefer to read, with an eReader  like a Kindle or Nook, or with an old school paperback in hand?


I would approach the bookcase slowly, with wonderment; reaching out, gently caressing them as I walk up and down the rows. Stopping here and there to examine the older ones a little more closely. They have a smell about them, like nothing else. Old paper and leather, an aromatic scent only a book lover can enjoy.

Enjoying my eReader, sitting on this sofa? I don’t think so.

 To me, books are far more than the written word, they are pieces of art I can touch, smell, and connect with. I love being able to feel the book, look at it, especially if it has an eye-catching design on the cover.

As much as I love the idea of modern conveniences, such as an eReader, I just don’t like using them. I’ve tried; paid the money, downloaded the book, read a few pages and quit. Regretting that I hadn’t paid the extra and purchased the real thing.

Being able to access hundreds, thousands of books, without having to physically search for them, amazing. The modern world makes reading a book, effortless, and boring.

They certainly have their place in this modern world, but I won’t be curling up with one any time soon.

Daily Prompt: Call Me, Maybe


Describe your relationship with your phone. Is it your lifeline, a buzzing nuisance, or something in between?

Talk about having a relationship with a phone! When I use mine, it isn’t quite so dramatic, but I have to admit, I do love it. Isn’t loving an object a little weird?

I feel like I have the world at my fingertips, and that really appeals to me. It could also be the fact that I am somewhat of a control freak, in a good way, Hehe.. and I feel that I must have access to anything, anytime. Either way, it works for me that I do have it.

After watching Maxwell Smart with his shoe phone, who didn’t want one?

Daily Prompt: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes


You need to make a major change in your life. Do you make it all at once, cold turkey style, or incrementally? 


I don’t eat meat, but I do know cold turkey, that’s me. The idea for this post said freedom, loud and clear. To me, making a major change means being free of something that was holding me back.

Now that I am older and wiser, hehe.. I will think about things before jumping the gun, but I will defiantly bolt and run free. Nothing incremental about the way I do things. My personality just doesn’t allow me to do that.


Ready, set, GO!