Tag Archives: peace

The Shadow Girl



I have never given much thought to shadows, they are just there…but not quite. Something we can see but not touch. They breath, yet not.

I wake and think of you…each night I think of you, and on it goes.

My days are full, I do what I do, I have a good life, I am just missing part of it.

I think about your wacky sense of humor, and I miss it.

You are one of the bravest women I know, your sense of adventure is inspiring.  I find myself thinking of when I was young, I can’t even imagine myself at that age going to the places you’ve been.                                                                      SAM21e

Sometimes I put my face to the wind, close my eyes, breathing in the scent of the air and imagine you are doing the same.

I will never let go…not as long as I have breath in my body.

My wish for you is the gift of time; the understanding and wisdom that comes with it, the peace and love that floods your life.

This is my life, as the mother of an estranged daughter.



Daily Prompt: Sweet Sixteen


When you were 16, what did you think your life would look like? Does it look like that? Is that a good thing?


Not sure I want to go back to that time era, it was one of such mystery and intrigue. Being a teenager in the 70’s was like watching a really bad theatre production. Tacky costumes, with the actors swaying back and forth.


With the emphasis on swaying back and forth.

To be honest, I don’t think I thought too far ahead at that age. I know that sounds a bit blonde, and that also disappeared a long time ago, but really, I don’t remember thinking about that or planning ahead.

I have been doing various forms of art my whole life, so I imagine my thoughts were about being an artist, and just doing my thing.

The way my life is now? Yes it’s a good thing, I’m headed down a new path of discovery, and I have a family that loves and supports me. I’d say that’s a very good thing.


Peace baby, and have a great day. :0)