Tag Archives: AKC

Molly Monday: West Highland Terrier Gazette


Hi everyone, it’s me Molly.

My mom keeps telling me I am such a ham. I don’t really know what she’s talking about, but it might have something to do with food.

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“Ok, the hair looks dorky, but it makes my mom laugh!”

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Today, Beanie and I played hide and seek, he is always so obvious!

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Later on we played ball, Beanie is lousy at throwing , so mom does it for him. I was so hungry after we finished playing, I got a homemade treat. They are so tasty. :0) My mom gets recipe ideas from here. http://www.thekitchn.com/cookies-for-canines-homemade-d-135078

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Have a great week everyone!

Molly Monday: West Highland Terrier Gazette


Hi everyone, my name is Molly and I am four and a half years old. I live with my mom and dad, and a fat orange hairy thing.

I want to start your week off with something to make you smile, so I thought I would show you pictures of me and Beanie, and tell you funny things that we do, or just dumb stuff  my cat does.


I should start at the beginning so you can see what I looked like.


My mom brought me home when I was eight weeks old. They would say gushy things to me, and smile weird when I pooped on the carpet.

molly sweater 2

This stupid sweater was so small, my mom had to squeeze my head into it, but it made my dad laugh so I stayed in it for a while.

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I used to sleep a lot, then I would wake up hungry, and want to chase the orange thing that ran fast.

bean feb3

My brother Beanie thinks he is good looking, and does dumb things when mom and dad aren’t home.

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That’s it for now, I hope you will come back next Monday……… see ya later.